The research articles listed below include studies specifically conducted in the Cognition and Emotion Lab (CEL) or by CEL members (i.e., undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students) as of 01/15/2025. The list is not inclusive of other non-CEL related research conducted by Dr. Russell Clayton and colleagues (see Google Scholar) .
List contains publications from CEL affiliates and members.
(u) Undergraduate student contributor.
(m) Master’s student contributor.
(d) Doctoral student contributor.
(p) Post Doc contributor.
Book Chapters
Leshner, G., Clayton, R. B., Wise, K., & Read, G. (contract). Neuromarketing and the brain. Manuscript under contract for publication, The DeGruyter Handbook of Marketing Communication
Leshner, G., Clayton, R.B., & Seo, J. (in press). Psychophysiological research and data. In Peter J. Schultz, Paul Cobley, & Lijang Shen (Eds.), Quantitative Research Methods in Communication Science (20 pages). De Gruyter Mouton.
Encyclopedia Entries
Invited Refereed Journal Articles
Refereed Journal Articles
Clayton, R. B., Ridgway, J. L., & Hendrickse, J.(d) (2017). Is plus size equal? The positive impacts of average and plus sized media fashion models on women’s cognitive resource allocation, social comparisons, and body satisfaction. Communication Monographs, 84(3), 406-422. 8th Most Read Article in Communication Monographs.
Ridgway, J. L., & Clayton, R. B. (2016). Instagram unfiltered: Exploring associations of body image satisfaction, Instagram #Selfie posting, and negative romantic relationship outcomes. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 19, 2-7.Most read article in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking as of 4/11/19
Refereed Published Abstracts
Refereed Papers at Conferences
Park, J.(d), Park, S.(d), Han, S.(d), & Clayton, R. B. (accepted). Reducing uncertainty with mental health therapists: Examining the impact of similarity and video cues on online biographies. Paper accepted to be presented at the National Communication Association (NCA), Communication and Social Cognition Division, New Orleans, LA. (National).
Zhuxuan, Y.(d), Arpan, L., & Clayton, R. B. (accepted). Assessing the role of self-efficacy in reducing psychological reactance to guilt appeals promoting pro-environmental behaviors. Paper presented at the meeting of Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication (AEJMC), Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk Division, Philadelphia, PA. (National)
Park, J.(d), & Clayton, R. B. (presented 2024, August). Examining the moderating of role of religious affiliation on freedom-threat, psychological reactance, and behavioral intentions to dogmatic alcohol PSAs. Paper presented at the meeting of Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication (AEJMC), Religion and Media Interest Group, Philadelphia, PA. (National)
Clayton, R., Reynolds-Tylus, T. & Martinez Gonzalez, A., & Park, J.(d)(presented 2024, June). Beyond counterarguing? Comparing multiple measures of cognitive resistance for psychological reactance using the ACE resistance typology. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Information Systems Division, Gold Coast, Australia (International)
Clayton, R. B., Myrick, J., Dale, K.R., Park, J.(d), Sarra, E.(u), & Hechlik, E.(u)(presented 2023, May). Using self-transcendent media to diminish psychological reactance: A self-report and psychophysiological investigation. Paper presented at the meeting of Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication (AEJMC), Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk Division, Washington, D.C. (National)
Clayton, R. B., Compton, J., Reynolds-Tylus, T., Neumann, D., Sarra, E.(u), Deshmukh, S. (u), Park, J.(g), Biangel, R.(g), Hechlik, E.(u), & Sarmiento, H.(u) (presented 2022, November). Inoculating Against Psychological Reactance: A Psychophysiological Investigation. Paper presented to the meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), Communication and Social Cognition Division, New Orleans, LA. (National). Top Paper Award.
Thorson, E., Tunney, C., Kyrston, K., & Clayton, R. B. (presented 2022, May). An evaluative space explanation for how people cope with fear-inducing news. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Information Systems Division, Paris, France. (Virtual Conference). (International)
Tham, S., Thorson, E., & Clayton, R. B. (presented 2022, May). Avoiding Advertising in Traditional and Digital Media. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Information Systems Division, Paris, France. (Virtual Conference. (International)
Delle, F.(m), Clayton, R. B., Lee, J., & Jordan-Jackson, F. (presented 2022, May). Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: Simultaneously examining the association between three social networking sites and relationship stress and satisfaction. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Interpersonal Communication Division, Paris, France. (Virtual Conference). (International)
Clayton, R. B., Biangel, R.(m), Delle, F.(d), Deshmukh, S.(u), Hechlik, E.(u), Khan, T.(d), Park, J.(m), Rao, C.(d), Sarmiento, H.(u), & Sarra, E.(u) (presented 2022, May). On the psychophysiological and defensive nature of psychological reactance theory. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Communication Science and Biology Division, Paris, France. (Virtual Conference). (International)
Najera, C. J., Keene, J. R., Talley, A., Bucy, E., & Clayton, R. B. (presented 2021, May). Multilevel Linear Models (MLM) and their Benefits to Communication Science. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association, International Communication Association (ICA), Communication Science and Biology Division, Denver, Colorado. (Virtual Conference). (International)
Clayton, R. B. (presented 2021, May). Evidence for the Linear Affective-cognitive Model of State Psychological Reactance and Moderating Effects of Trait Reactance and Trait Motivational Reactivity. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association, International Communication Association (ICA), Information Systems Division, Denver, Colorado. (Virtual Conference). (International)
Huskey, R., Wilcox, S., Clayton, R. B., & Keene, J. R. (presented 2020, November). The limited capacity model of motivated mediated message processing: Meta-analytically summarizing two decades of research. Paper presented at the meeting of National Communication Association (NCA), Communication and Social Cognition Division, Indianapolis, IN. (Virtual Conference). (National)
Sanders-Jackson, A., Rhodes, N., Tan, A.S.L., Clayton, R.B. (presented 2020, May). Reactance to Anti-Smoking Messages within Pro-Vaping Advertisements. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Information Systems Division, Gold coast, Australia. (Virtual Conference). (International)
Janicke-Bowles, S., Raney, A.A., Oliver, M.B.O, Dale, K. R., Zaho, D., Neumann, D., Clayton, R.B., Hendry, A. (presented 2020, May). Content matters: Effects of inspiring Facebook posts on subjective and eudaimonic well-being. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Mass Communication Division, Gold coast, Australia. (Virtual Conference). (International)
Keene, J.R., Clayton, R.B., Graafsma, K.(d) (presented 2020, May). Psychological reactance to counter-attitudinal political arguments: Investigating the biological and motivational nature of (counter)argument effects. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Information Systems Division, Gold coast, Australia. (Virtual Conference). (International)
Clayton, R. B., Sanders-Jackson, A., Leshner, G., Hendrickse, J., & Sawicki, S. (presented 2019, May). Anti-vaping messages and Secondary Task Reaction Times (STRTs): Does psychological reactance reduce STRTs and recognition memory. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Information Systems Division, Washington, D.C. (International)
Neumann, D.(d), Sanders-Jackson, A., Clayton, R. B., Yie, K.(d), & Tan, A. S. (presented 2019, May). Visual attention to vaping related cues in public service announcements and effects on vaping- and smoking-related outcomes. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Information Systems Division, Washington, D.C. (International)
Hendrickse, J.(d), Ray, E. C.(d), Secharan, R.(x), Ridgway, J. L., & Clayton, R. B. (presented 2019, May). The effects of depicting thin and average-size models in sexualizing and empowering contexts on women’s body image. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Mass Communication Division, Washington, D.C. (International)
Graafsma, K.(d), Keene, J.R., & Clayton, R.B. (presented 2019, August). The biological roots of psychological reactance to counter-attitudinal political arguments: Investigating the motivational nature of argument effects. Paper presented at the meeting of Association for Politics and the Life Sciences (AsnPLS). Montreal, Quebec. (International).
Sanders-Jackson, A., Tan, A., Clayton, R. B., & Neumann, D.(d) (presented 2018, June). Visual Attention of Smokers to Ends-Related Cues in Anti-Vaping PSAs. Paper presented at National Institutes of Health Tobacco Regulatory Science Meeting, National Institutes of Health. (National)
Clayton, R. B., Bailey, R. L., Secharan, R.(m), Liu, J.(d), & Ma, Y.(d) (presented 2018, May). Substance Cue Reactivity and Craving in Polysubstance Abuse Contexts. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Communication Science and Biology Division, Prague, Czech Republic. (International)
Clayton, R. B., Keene, J. R., Leshner, G., Lang, A., Ellis, A.(d), Hendrickse, J.(d), Secharan, R.(m), & Wilde, M.(u) (presented 2018, May). Exposure to Secondhand Smoke Anti-Tobacco Messages and Cognitive and Emotional Responses: Role of Smoking Status. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Information Systems Division, Prague, Czech Republic. (International)
Clayton, R. B., Raney, A. A., Dale, K., Oliver, M. B., Janicke, S., Hendrickse, J.(d), Seibert, J.(d), Secharan, R.(m), & Wilde, M.(u) (presented 2018, May). Feeling Transcendent?: Measuring Psychophysiological Responses to Self-Transcendent Media Content. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Communication Science and Biology Division, Prague, Czech Republic. (International)
Sanders-Jackson, A., Clayton, R. B., & Tan, A. (presented 2018, May). Testing the Effect of Vapor in E-Cigarette PSAs on Current Smokers and E-Cigarette Users’ Psychophysiological Responses and Smoking Behavior. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Information Systems Division, Prague, Czech Republic. (International)
Clayton, R. B., Lang, A., Quick, B., Leshner, G., Hendrickse, J.(d), Secharan, R.(m), & Wilde, M.(u) (presented 2017, November). Fight or flight? Testing psychological reactance theory with the LC4MP and trait motivational reactivity. Paper presented at the meeting of National Communication Association (NCA), Communication and Social Cognition Division, Dallas, Texas. (National)
Hendrickse, J.(d), Arpan, L., Clayton, R. B., & Ridgway, J. (presented 2017, May). Appearance-related comparisons on Instagram predict women’s drive for thinness and body dissatisfaction: An evolutionary perspective. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Mass Communication Division, San Diego, California. (International)
Mazurek, M., Leshner, G., Bolls, P., & Clayton, R. B. (presented 2017, May). Measurement of social reward processing of boys with autism spectrum disorder. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Information Systems Division, San Diego, California. (International)
Clayton, R. B., Leshner, G., Trull, T., & Piasecki, T. (presented 2016, November). Countering craving with disgust images: The impact of nicotine-withdrawal on smokers’ motivated message processing of anti-tobacco PSAs. Paper presented at the meeting of National Communication Association (NCA), Health Communication Division, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (National)
Davis, R., Clayton, R. B., & Thorson, E. (presented 2016, June). Differences in processing of interactive infographics on different screen sizes and interface. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Information Systems Division, Fukuoka, Japan. (International)
Wang, Z.(d), Duff, B., & Clayton, R. B. (presented 2016, March). Establishing a factor model for aesthetic preference for brand logo visual complexity. Paper presented at the meeting of American Academy of Advertising (AAA), Seattle, Washington. (National)
Hong, S., Clayton, R. B., & Shoenberger, H. (presented 2015, August). Viral information: How distortion about Ebola can impact processing and beliefs on Twitter. Paper presented at the meeting of International Communication Association (ICA), Information Systems Division, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (International)